[1] Media lagi ramai memberitakan #supermoon. Ada beberapa salah kaprah sebenarnya.
[2] Supermoon tidak terjadi tgl 10 Agst 2014 tapi 11 Agsts 2014 jam 1:09 wib (dini hari).
[3] Supermoon bukan istilah astronomi, tp astrologi. Pertama dikenalkan oleh Richard Nolle thn 1979 & baru ngetred lagi 4 thn lalu
[4] istilah #supermoon sebenarnya tdk tepat krn bulan tdk jd superbesar. Cth supermoon maret 2013 (by Alec Jones) pic.twitter.com/8KxMAIEHvo
[5] Sebenarnya apa itu supermoon? #supermoon terjadi saat bulan berada lebih dekat ke bumi ketimbang biasanya.
[6] Knp #supermoon bisa lebih dekat? Krn orbit bulan elips, kadang berada di titik terdekat dgn bumi (perigee) kadang terjauh (apogee)
[7] Seberapa dekat? #supermoon Agsts 2014 nanti lebih dekat 27504 km ketimbang jarak rata2 bumi-bulan (384400 km).
[8] Apakah #supermoon nanti yg paling dekat? Tidak. Rekor terdekat abad 21 tjd 6 Des 2052, lebih dkt 241 km ketimbang 11 Agsts nanti.
[9] Apa efek #supermoon? Tidak ada, hanya membuat pasang surut lebih besar. Garis pantai hanya lebih dekat belasan cm saja.
[10] Apakah bisa melihat bulan lebih besar dgn mata? Bisa. Tapi kl hny melihat tdk akan bs menyadari telah terjadi #supermoon
[11] Utk bisa lihat bedanya dgn purnama biasa, harus dipotret dan dibandingkan ukuran gambarnya.
[12] Terakhir, apakah #supermoon ini peristiwa langka? Tidak. Rata2 terjadi 4-6 supermoon tiap tahun.
Sumber : http://chirpstory.com/li/223649
Supermoon August 11, 2014
[1] Media again busy preaching #supermoon. There are actually a few misguided.
[2] #supermoon not happen in 2014 but on 10 Aug. 11, 2014 at 1:09 pm Agsts (early morning).
[3] #supermoon not astronomical terms, tp astrology. First introduced by Richard Nolle in 1979 & new yr ngetred again 4 yrs ago
[4] is actually inexact term #supermoon krn in morbidly jd superstores. Ex supermoon of March 2013 (by Alec Jones) pic.twitter.com/8KxMAIEHvo
[5] In fact what the supermoon? #supermoon occurs when the moon is closer to Earth than usual.
[6] Knp #supermoon could be closer? Because of the moon's orbit elliptical, sometimes located at the closest point with earth (perigee) sometimes the furthest (apogee)
[7] How close? #supermoon Agsts 2014 27504 km closer than the Earth-moon distance rata2 (384 400 km).
[8] Is that the closest #supermoon later? Not. The closest record 21st century TJD December 6, 2052, more than 11 241 km DKT Agsts later.
[9] What is the effect #supermoon? No, just make a bigger tides. Shoreline only a dozen centimeters closer only.
[10] Is it possible to see the moon with eyes bigger? Can. But kl hny see would not have been aware of the bs going #supermoon
[11] For a full can see the difference with the usual, must be photographed and compared to the size of the image.
[12] Finally, if this #supermoon rare event? Not. Rata2 supermoon occurs every 4-6 years.
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