[1] Pagi ini kita akan membahas hujan meteor #perseid yg puncaknya akan terjadi tgl 11-13 Agustus. Foto: Jeff Dai pic.twitter.com/IsJsL6pWZ0
[2] Apa itu hujan meteor? Momen saat kita bisa melihat meteor lebih banyak (10-120 meteor/jam) ketimbang malam2 biasa (5 meteor/jam).
[3] Knp terjadi? Saat komet mendekati matahari, sebagian materialnya berhamburan sepanjang lintasan/orbitnya krn panas & tekanan radiasi.
[4] Jk bumi melewati serpihan materi komet, terjadilah hujan meteor. Perseid terjadi krn serpihan komet Swift-Tuttle pic.twitter.com/1cJovC6sA6

[5] Btw, meteor itu apa? Serpihan batu yg bergesekan dgn atmosfer dgn kcepatn tinggi (50-72 km/dtk) shg menyala. pic.twitter.com/2d9MWPLm4r

[6] Lalu apa itu #perseid? Hujan meteor diberi nama sesuai dengan arah datangnya. Perseid dr nama rasi bintang Perseus.
[7] Perseus itu di mana? Dini hari, lihatlah ke arah timur laut. Jumlah meteornya bs mencapai 50 meteor/jam pic.twitter.com/zjezAQDoDs

[8] Kpn waktu terbaik mengamati #perseid? Tahun ini perseid terganggu chy bulan purnama. Waktu terbaik saat dini hari (bulan sdh di barat)
[9] Perlu alat apa untuk bisa lihat #perseid? Tak perlu alat apa2, Pakai mata sj. Cuma perlu langit & tempat yg gelap. Jauhi/matikan lampu.
[10] Kalau mendung bgmn? Tentu meteornya tak akan kelihatan. Tp jgn kuatir, msh ada hujan meteor lain. Dan ini terjadi periodik tiap thn.
[11] Apa keistimewaan Perseid? Perseid terkenal dgn fireball-nya. Fireball: meteor besar & terang. Warnanya tgantung komposisi komet asal.
Sumber : http://chirpstory.com/li/223682
Perseid Meteor Shower 2014
[1] This morning we will discuss #perseid meteor shower that will peak date occurred August 11 to 13. Photo: Jeff Dai pic.twitter.com/IsJsL6pWZ0
[2] What is a meteor shower? The moment when we could see more meteors (10-120 meteors / h) rather than the usual malam2 (5 meteors / h).
[3] Knp happen? When the comet approaches the sun, most of the material scattered along the trajectory / orbit krn heat and radiation pressure.
[4] JK earth flaky material passing comet, meteor shower occurs. Perseid occur krn comet Swift-Tuttle debris pic.twitter.com/1cJovC6sA6
[5] Btw, the meteor was what? Stone chips with atmospheric frictional kcepatn with high (50-72 km / sec) allows for burning. pic.twitter.com/2d9MWPLm4r
[6] Then what is #perseid? Meteor showers are named according to the direction. Dr name Perseid constellation Perseus.
[7] Perseus was where? Early morning, look to the northeast. Total bs reach 50 meteors meteor / h pic.twitter.com/zjezAQDoDs
[8] The best time to observe #perseid Kpn? This year's Perseid disturbed chy full moon. The best time during the early hours (SDH month in the west)
[9] It should be a tool to be able to see what #perseid? No need apa2 tool, Use eye sj. Just need a dark sky and a place. Stay away / turn off the lights.
[10] If it is cloudy as never before? Of the meteor will not appear. Tp do not worry, there msh another meteor shower. And this occurs periodically each year.
[11] What features Perseid? Famous Perseid fireball with her. Fireball: large and bright meteor. The color composition of comets tgantung origin.
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