Information about condition of coral reef in water territory of Prigi Bay in general very limited. Hence required action of monitoring to be able to know condition of coral reef in the area. Observation method of coral reef condition applies reef check method, applied to know percentage of the reef cover. Observation done at two locations as of swampy forest coral reef in Prigi Bay that is site I Pasir Putih and site II Patok Sawo. From result of research is got percentage of life reef cover in site I Pasir Putih at depth of 3 metre equal to 36,875% so that condition of coral reef in categorizing breakdown and at depth of 10 metre equal to 13,125% so that condition of coral reef in categorizing hard breakdown. At site II Patok Sawo percentage of life reef cover at depth of 3 metre equal to 46,875% so that condition of coral reef in categorizing breakdown and at depth of 10 metre equal to 44,375% so that condition of coral reef in categorizing breakdown. From this knowable research that condition of coral reef in Prigi Bay in general in a state of breakdown. Hence from that requires of research is having continuation to watch condition of damage of coral reef residing in water territory Prigi Bay District Of Trenggalek, that damage can be monitoring and the result can be made policy base in management of the area to the fore.
Keyword : Prigi Bay, Coral reef, reef check
Antonius Sujanto S ; Alfan Jauhari ; Tri Djoko L
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