11 November 2011

Piramida Pyramid

1 Great Pyramid of Khufu, Giza, Mesir

Pyramid and Spinx
Pyramid of Giza
Piramida Giza Mesir (Xu Xiaoqian)
Great Pyramid of Khufu, Giza (www.touropia.com)

Piramida Cheops, Khufu

Khufu interior view

Pyramid inside
Pyramid (www.insidearab.com)

2. Pyramid of Khafre
Pyramid of Khafre (www.touropia.com)

3. Great Pyramid of Cholula

Great Pyramid of Cholula (www.touropia.com)
Great Pyramid of Cholula (www.touropia.com)

4. Red Pyramid
Red Pyramid (www.touropia.com)

5. Bent Pyramid
Bent pyramid from the north west Al-Haram Dahshur, Menshat Dahshur, Mesir (www.travelyuk.worpress.com)

Bent Pyramid (www.touropia.com)

6. Luxor Hotel
Luxor Hotel (www.toropia.com)

7. Chichen Itza
Piramida Matahari di Mexico (www.informasisurabaya.com) 

Chichen Itza pyramid El Castillo (www.travelawaynotes.blogspot.com) 

Itza piramid (roda2blog.com) 

Piramida Kurcaci (www.wm-site.com)

Piramida Bulan Teotihuacan (www.mexico.blog.iqbalir.com)

Pyramid of the sun (www.touropia.com)

8. La Danta, El Mirador
La Danta, El Mirador (www.touropia.com)

9. Meroe
Meroe (www.touropia.com)


10. Meidum
Meidum (www.touropia.com)

Snefru's Meidum Pyramid (www.ancient-egypt.info)

Pyramid Maydum (www.history com)

11. Gebel Barkal
Gebel Barkal (www.touropia.com)

12. Cestius

13. Ryugyong Hotel
Ryugyong Hotel  (www.touropia.com)

14. Transamerica Pyramid
Transamerica Pyramid  (www.touropia.com)

15. Pyramid Lake
Pyramid Lake (www.freecomputerdesktopwallpaper.com)

16. Piramida China

17. Pyramid of Peace Astana Khazakhstan


18. Djoser / Dzesera / Sakara

Djoser Pyramid (www.historylink101.net)

Pyramid (www.lakedistrictheritage.ie)

19. Pyramida of Teti
Pyramid of Teti (www.wikipedia.org)

Pyramid (www.ancient-egypt.org)

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